Friday, August 31, 2012

Writings mentioning Marcion

While many writings allude to his teachings and even attach them to Simon Magus such as the Clementine Homilies and Clementine Recognitions, there are even more that mention Marcion by name. The following is a extensive list of writings:

  1. Justin Martyr- First Apology (ch. 26 and 58), Against Marcion (lost but referenced in Irenaeus Against Heresies book 4 ch. 6),  
  2. Martyrdom of Polycarp (ch. 20)
  3. Irenaeus of Lyon- On the detection and overthrow of the so-called Gnosis (Against heresies)- book 1 ch. 27, 28; book 2 ch. 1, 3, 28, 30, 31; book 3 ch. 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 25; book 4 ch. 2, 6, 8, 13, 29, 30, 33, 34; book 5 ch. 26.
  4. Hegesippus- fragments from his 5 books of commentary on the Acts of the Church
  5. Tatian- (Irenaeus Against Heresies book 1 ch. 28)
  6. Theophilus of Antioch- (lost work via Eusebius' Church History)
  7. Dionysius of Corinth- Letter to Rome refuting Marcion (via Eusebius' Church History- Lost, possible forgery.)
  8. Modestus- (lost work via Eusebius' Church History)
  9. Philip of Gortyna- (lost work via Eusebius' Church History)
  10. Rhodon- Against Marcion (lost work mentioned via Eusebius' Church History)
  11. Bardesanes- (lost work via Eusebius' Church History)
  12. Tertullian of Carthage- Against Marcion in 5 books, On Idolatry ch. 5, Treatise on the Soul ch. 17, 21, Against Heresies ch. 7, 10, 29, 30, 33, 34, 37, 38, 42, On the flesh of Christ ch. 1-8, 24, On the Resurrection of the flesh ch. 2, 14, 56, Against Praxeas ch. 3, Scorpiace ch. 5, On fasting ch. 15,
  13. Clement of Alexandria- Stromata book 2 ch. 8, book 3 (Latin) ch. 3, 4, 17, book 4 ch. 7, 8, book 5 ch. 1, book 7 ch. 16, 17. 
  14. Origen of Alexandria- De Principiis vol II ch. 7, 9; Against Celsus vol. II ch.27, book 5 ch. 54, book 6 ch. 53, 74, Commentary on the Gospel of John book 5, ch. 4, book 10 ch. 4.
  15. Serapion of Antioch- Concerning the Gospel of Peter (lost work cited by Eusebius)
  16. Maximinus of Jerusalem- Concerning Matter (lost work cited by Origen and Eusebius)
  17. Hippolytus of Rome- Philosophumena (Against Heresies) book 7 ch. 17, 18, 19, 25, 26; book 8 ch. 9; book 9 ch. 7; book 10 ch. 14, 15, 16. Against Noetus ch. 11. Homily fragment 10.
  18. Eusebius of Caesarea- Church History
  19. Epiphanius of Salamis- Panarion
  20. Marcionite prologues
  21. Vetus Latina
  22. Muratorian Canon fragment- ch. 39, 49
  23. Anti-Marcionite prologues
  24. Five books in reply to Marcion (
  25. Jerome- Commentary on Galatians (can be found in a google search)
  26. John Chrysostom- Homily against Marcionists (
  27. Ephraim- 3rd Discourse to Hypatia on Mani, Marcion, and Bardesanes pt. 1 and 2
So from the list above one can imagine that there is a wealth of information of Marcion minus the lost works.

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